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Policy Seminars on REIs

Concluding the series of five roundtables on religious education system, IPS organized three programs on July 21, July 29 and September 16 in Lahore, Karachi and Quetta, respectively.



A Roundtable Seminar in collaboration with Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center, University of Punja and the Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad, was held on July 21, 2004 in Lahore. The
theme of the seminar was In addition to the general discussion, three selected papers were also presented.
The religious scholars from almost all schools of thoughts and journalists, writers, researchers and thinkers also participated. Dr. Jamila Shaukat of Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center and Khalid Rahman of IPS represented the two prestigious institutions.
Dr. Rafiq Ahmad, Advisor, Center for South Asian Studies, and former Vice Chancellor, Punjab University, chaired the session. Professor MuhammadAzhar Ikram,ActingVice Chancellor, the University of Punjab and Professor Dr. Muhammad Akram Chaudhry, Dean, Faculty of Islamic & Oriental Studies, University of Punjab, were the chief guests. The first session spanned from 10:00 2:00 pm. Khalid Rahman started the first session with his introductory as well as welcoming remarks while Dr. Mughees Uddin Sheikh, Chairman Faculty of Communication, enlightened the audience with his opening speech. Maulana Abdur Rahman Madani presented his paper on “the Tradition of Research in REIs and the historical background.” Dr.Ahsan Akhtar Naz presented his paper titled: “ACursory Glance at the Contemporary Religious Education.” While Maulana Abu Ammar, Zahid Ar-Rashidi, enlightened the audience with his paper on “An Analytical Study of the methodology of research and compilation in REIs.” The session was concluded with the concluding remarks of the chief guests.
The second session was initially an interactive session involving general audience. Dr. RafiqueAhmad summarized the entire discussion with his remarks. Dr. Jamila Shaukat thanked all the participants and stressed on the need of such discussions at large.
Exactly after a week’s interval the Institute of Policy Studies and the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), Karachi, held yet another Roundtable Seminar on REIs under the banner of Mr. Vakil Ahmad Khan, Federal Secretary, Government of Pakistan, was the Chief Guest and he also spoke on the issue. Mr. Mahmood Sham, Editor of Daily Jang; Prof. Mateen-ur- Rahman Murtaza, former Chairman of Mass Communication Department, Karachi University; Dr. Ahsan-ul Haq, Arabic Dept., Karachi University.
With the roundtable on in Quetta, the series was concluded. Along with the keynote address by wellknown writer, Oriya Maqbool Jan, those who participated in the program included Dr. Inamul Haq Kausar, Maulana Abdul Haq, Maulana Maqsood Ahmad Domki, Maulana Wazir Qadri, Dr. Abdul Mateen Akhundzada, MaulanaAnwar-ul Haq Haqqani, and Prof.Abdul Razzaq.
IPS arranged two roundtables and during the previous quarter May6 and June 5. “REIs: Formulation of National Policy.” “Religious Education in Balochistan” “REIs: Present Situation, Future Strategy” “Current Regional Situation and Religious Institutions,” during the previous quarter May6 and June 5.


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