The second training workshop was conducted from April 14 to 23 in Islamabad, in collaboration with Dawa’ Academy, International Islamic University. It was designed for administrators and senior teachers to help them become effective trainers. Its objectives were to introduce participants to modern learning environments, familiarize them with modern-day technological teaching aids, create harmony among the various sects, and generate a demand for introducing contemporary subjects in the curricula and modern teaching aids in the classrooms.
The workshop methodology comprised of various group learning activities, including exercises, interactive group tasks, discussions, group presentations and planning-oriented targets, as well as a number of field visits. The topics covered included training, self-development, institutional development and educational development. In addition, the participants were oriented to a number of key contemporary issues and disciplines.
The event was conducted by experienced facilitators. A total of 23 participants representing 23 REIs benefited. Their feedback and plans at the end of the workshop indicated that the event had been useful and that constant interaction and exchange of ideas will indeed help REIs to respectably mainstream themselves in society. So far, IPS has organized two 10-day training workshops and five one-day policy seminars in five cities. The next 10-day training workshop is scheduled to be held in mid July 2005.