The personal and institutional development of teachers and administrators from Religious Educational Institutions (REIs) or madaris is one of the core areas of the IPS research work. Under this project, IPS conducts training workshops for REIs capacity building.
In this quarter, IPS held two one-day workshops in Jamia Imdadia and Jamia Salfia at Faisalabad on November 22 and 23 respectively. Another one-day workshop was held at Jamia Abi Bakr Al Islami, Karachi, on November 30. In these workshops, around 180 participants from 25 different madaris took part.
All the participants took keen interest in the workshops and appreciated the role of IPS in providing them orientation and introducing to them the use of modern tools of education.
Through the course of these workshops, IPS has found that REIs realize the need for improvement in their education system but they lack the required resources for it.
So far, IPS has conducted six 10-day, one 2-day and ten 1-day training workshops for REIs. In total, around 600 participants from over 200 different religious institutions have taken part in these workshops.