Under the arrangements with Institute of South Asian Studies, Sichuan University, Chengdu and Institute of South Asian Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Kunming, the fourth annual conference titled “The New Age and China-Pakistan Economic Cooperation” was held in Kunming on April 15, 2008.
Around 50 experts of South Asia and economic affairs participated in the conference. Following key messages emerged in the meeting:
• Political and strategic relationship is a strong foundation for the economic cooperation to strengthen bilateral collaboration in years to come.
• One of the biggest challenges that Sino-Pak greater cooperation faces these days is ‘images' created by biased and exaggerated coverage in international media and lack of efforts and mechanism for proper mutual understanding. The issue, if not tackled immediately, threatens close cooperation in all fields, particularly the enhancement of economic collaboration.
• Emerging national, regional and global scenario should be taken as an opportunity and new areas of cooperation should be explored. Bilateral collaboration needs to move from public to private level, and inter-provincial collaboration should also be explored.
• Pakistan has all the potential to become a 'trade and energy' corridor for China. It, however, requires up-gradation of infrastructure, so further cooperation is needed in this area.
• Trade imbalance, though not a threat, needs to be improved in Pakistan's favour. Economic cooperation may be increased manifold in areas such as services sector, agriculture, energy, chemical and mineral industry, electronics, and third country partnerships etc. • Communication linkages should be enhanced, particularly, the possibility of direct flights between Pakistan and Kunming or Chengdu.
• The procedure for visa issuance should be simplified and issuance of visas for longer durations to businessmen also needs to be considered. The dealing of government agencies at the points of entry and clearance needs to be improved.
Meeting at Yunnan University
Ameeting titled “Understanding Pakistan” was organized with the students of International Relations, Yunnan University. The dean, Ms. Liu Zhi, and senior faculty members also participated. DG IPS spoke on the subject followed by an interactive Q&A session.
Visit to Yunnan Chamber of Commerce
A meeting of IPS delegation with Mr. Zhao Zhou, Director, International Liaison Deptt., Yunnan Provincial Chamber of Commerce was also held. Officials from Yunnan Society from China-India Cooperation and Exchange were also present.