With a view to probe the current situation in Afghanistan, an in-house session was held at IPS on June 29. Presided over by the Director General IPS, the session focused on the political and strategic dynamics of the situation in Afghanistan,
With a view to probe the current situation in Afghanistan, an in-house session was held at IPS on June 29. Presided over by the Director General IPS, the session focused on the political and strategic dynamics of the situation in Afghanistan, besides the role of the neighboring countries in the ongoing situation.
The session covered in detail the reasons of President Karzai’s relatively improved reputation inside Afghanistan, the dynamic role of Pakistan’s embassy in developing relations with different political streams in Afghanistan, Indian efforts of consolidating its presence in the country, and difference of opinion among political circles regarding the withdrawal of foreign troops. It was also noted that the year 2010 would be very crucial in terms of ongoing war in Afghanistan.
The strict stance of Taliban towards the ordinary people as well as other factions was mentioned as the contributing factor towards uncertainty regarding its future role in the post-withdrawal government-making in Afghanistan.
The reports also came under discussion that underlined the back channel negotiations between coalition supported Afghan government and some of the fighting groups.
Concluding the session, DG IPS expressed deep concerns over the future dispensation in Afghanistan. He maintained that the solution to current Afghan imbroglio lay in the earliest withdrawal of foreign troops, consensus among the neighboring countries regarding the future setup in Afghanistan, and consensus among different Afghan factions over the broad based government by accommodating the major groups in the political process.