IPS and Work Force Development International (WDI) have entered into an MoU on October 21, 2010.
IPS and Work Force Development International (WDI) have entered into an MoU on October 21, 2010.
WDI is a provider of consultancy services related to promotion and propagation of general education and technical and vocational education and training programs.
The MoU was signed by DG IPS and CEO of WDI, Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Qureshi. Under the MoU, the two organizations seek to undertake collaborative projects in the areas such as Capacity Building, Training of Trainers, Revisions and Development of Curricula. The two sides have also agreed to explore avenues of cooperation for launching joint studies and organizing events on topical issues including industrial policy, workforce development for industries, Corporate Social Responsibility and challenges facing the Pakistani industry and trade in the wake of globalization. DG IPS proposed the idea of holding an annual conference in which IPS and WDI together join hand with a consortium of some other institutions from Pakistan and abroad. CEO WDI showed his willingness to move forward on the idea.