On June 24, 2011 an In-house session with Syed Hasan Javed, Additional Secretary (Asia Pacific), Ministry of Foreign Affairs was organized.
On June 24, 2011 an In-house session with Syed Hasan Javed, Additional Secretary (Asia Pacific), Ministry of Foreign Affairs was organized.
Syed Hasan Javed, who is also learned scholar of Chinese language and culture, in his well researched presentation orientated the participants with the civilizational links between Pakistan and China highlighting ancient land and maritime traveling routes between the two countries.
He also enlightened the participants with the historical, social and anthropological dynamics of Chinese society, bringing to light the Chinese belief system, the major sources of Chinese civilization and ideologies of Taoism, Bhuddism, Western Thought and Marxism which played their role in shaping the Chinese society.
He said that the key factors that contributed considerably to bring about “Chinese Miracle”, include investment and active role of overseas Chinese, adoption of contemporary knowledge, Deng Xiaoping’s reforms and open door policy, free enterprise system, release of individual/private sector energy and harnessing the soft power assets including education, merit, discipline, family, hard work, social networking, consensus, team work, and patience.