Aimed at neutralizing extremism by escalating messages of peace, a two-day workshop titled ‘Peace, Advocacy and Social Entrepreneurship’ enabled 50 young participants from Southern Punjab and Azad Jammu & Kashmir to launch social entrepreneurial initiatives to promote peace in their respective communities.
A collaborative venture of Pakistan Youth Change Advocates (PYCA) and IPS LEAD – the Learning, Excellence and Development Program of Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad – the workshop held on October 29-30, 2015 exclusively focused on evaluating, dissecting and deconstructing hate-oriented narratives and propaganda messages, amplification of one’s opinions using various communication means, planning and development of advocacy campaigns, and the power of an individual in bringing about change.
The endeavor also sought to channelize the energies of young Pakistanis proactively with the help of seed grants especially offered to help these capacitated young social entrepreneurs for embarking on their proposed peace-oriented social development ventures.