A session titled ‘Deal of the Century’ was held at IPS on October 2, 2018. The session was addressed by Abdullah Zubair Mir, an intern at IPS, who presented his research work over growing chaos in the Middle East.
In his presentation titled ‘Deal of the Century: A struggle towards peace or more chaos?’, Abdullah presented the history of Palestine-Israel conflict from the time of Belfour declaration to the recently announced deal by Trump administration as a proposed peace plan.
Following Mir’s presentation, the session’s chair Amb (r) Tajammul Altaf shared his opinion stating that the purpose of the deal was to facilitate Israel as it offered nothing in favor of Palestile. The former ambassador also shared the experience from his tenure of director general in O.I.C. (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), lamenting that even though the causes of Palestine and Kashmir were so important for Muslim world, and especially Pakistan, the Muslim countries were not doing much to resolve the issues whereas America on the other hand was facilitating both Israel and India to suppress the freedom movement in both places.