IPS’ Vice Chairman Ambassador (r) Syed Abrar Hussain was invited by Institute of Regional Studies (IRS), Peshawar on July 10, 2021 to deliver a talk on ‘Pak-Afghan Relations’.
The former ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan spoke at length on the occasion over developing situation in Afghanistan following the US withdrawal while shedding light on Pakistan’s role and efforts to bring about peace in the region.
Speaking of the frosty relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Hussain was of the view that there was no major unresolvable issue existing between the two neighboring countries and the mistrust among them was only caused by some misunderstandings that were instigated by other regional players to suit their interests. He stressed that the two counties should get engaged in bilateral talks more frequently, terming it the best way forward to regain mutual trust by getting rid of any misunderstandings and misapprehensions about each other.